Monday, June 27, 2011


Recently, during a sermon my pastor preached, he made a statement that "jump-started" my thinking.  Actually, it was more of a confession than a statement.  He certainly wasn't trying to get his congregation to "follow his steps" in this matter.

The statement (or confession) he made was that sometimes he would "tell" God, "I'll take this one, God.  I know how it needs to be done."  I'm paraphrasing, of course.  Rather than seek the Lord's will about some things, he was admitting to doing things the way he wanted.

How refreshing!  No, not that he would go ahead of God.  But, that he, even though a minister of the gospel, would confess his own wrong doing.  James 5:16 says to "Confess your faults, one to another..."(KJV).

In recent weeks, both of the blogs I started last year have not been kept up in a timely fashion.  This has been, partially, because my wife has become the primary caretaker of her mother during these times of failing health.  As a result, both our schedules have changed drastically.

However, in keeping with the above scripture, I am also confessing to you who have been faithful readers.  My priorities have changed to make my schedule easier, instead of maintaining my vision and excitement for the blogs.

I not only confess my laxity (laziness, if you will); but I also renew my commitment  to sharing with you in both blogs--One Christian's Sharing and The Prayer Life of Jesus.  I ask your forgiveness, your prayers and your comments.

Your comments may be added below.  I thank you for them.