Thursday, August 30, 2012


Paul understood that one's Christian experience and relationship with God must be maintained on a regular basis.  He not only preached to convert sinners but also taught his converts how to live daily.  He was great at a "follow up" ministry--going back to visit to see how they were doing (Acts 15:36).  Also, a large part of the New Testament is made up from Paul's letters to the churches to continue their development as Christians.

One instance of this follow up is the epistle to the Ephesians.  In chapter 5, Paul encourages them to "be imitators of God" (v. 1) and builds up to verses 15 and 16--warning them that "the days are evil."

Anybody that can't see that the days we live in are evil is not awake (see vs. 13 and 14).  Have you watched the news on TV lately?  The world is in a turmoil, with wars, massacres and other threats.  In our own country we are bombarded with robberies, murders and rapes.  And, its not always far away.  Often its in our own state or city.

Politically, we see graft and greed.  Environmentally, we see earthquakes, tornadoes, storms and/or droughts.  Economically, there is homelessness, bankruptcy and financial devastation.  EVERYWHERE THERE IS EVIL!!

How do we live in an evil world?

My sharing today is simple.  Paul said "Wake up", "be careful", and "be wise."  The KJV of verse 16 is translated "redeeming the time, because the days are evil".  (Italics mine).  The New American Standard Bible translation of the same verse is "making the most of your time, because the days are evil."  (Italics mine).  The NIV translated verse 16 as "making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil." (Italics mine).

  • Redeem the time
  • Make the most of your time
  • Make the most of every opportunity.
In each of the three translations we are cautioned "because the days are evil."  Wake up to what's going on around you;  be careful how you live;  be wise in your walk. Take care of your time.  Don't waste it.  Realize that your time provides you with opportunity--opportunity to live your Christian life before others and to share your experience with them.

Father, help me to stay awake and aware of the evil in the world around me. Grant me wisdom to walk before others so You may be glorified.  May I use my time in sharing Your Word and Your Ways.  Amen.

Will you share your life and time with somebody today?

If you will, share this post with your friends and/or contacts.

As always, your comments are appreciated.

Friday, August 24, 2012


As a teenager about to go to college, I was fortunate enough to have a pastor, who became one of my closest friends.  He was a special kind of person-easy to love and always loving in return.  He was a mentor to me before I knew what a mentor was.

This relationship developed into a friend/love situation with his entire family.  His wife was always willing to include me-in meals, in music, in family events.  She made me feel special and always welcome in her home and their lives.

Their children, three daughters and one son, were younger than I.  The daughters sang as a trio, with "perfect pitch" harmony-on the order of the Andrews sisters of the  40's or the White sisters of gospel music fame.

Typically, as a teenager, when I left home (and this relationship) to attend college, my entire life changed.  I went about my life with additional friends, marriage, children, career, etc.  In fact, I rarely saw them anymore.  However, I can honestly say, I never thought of them again without having the warmest possible feelings for friends and family.

The last time I had the occasion to see the husband and wife was approximately thirty years ago.  I was traveling through the city where they lived.  As only friends or family can do, I "dropped by" their home without even calling in advance.

Our visit was as if we had seen each other the week before.  The love for each other was as keen as before I left to continue my education.  Friends are like that--it lasts forever.

The last contact I had with the parents was nearly three years ago.  The wife had gone to the trouble of finding my current address and sending me a note.  This spurred me to the point of calling her to say "hi" after so many years.

Last week, I accidentally "stumbled" upon the envelope she had used to send me that note.  On it, I had made notes of phone numbers and addresses of the family.  In making sure of correct information, I "googled" his name on the internet.  What I found was his obituary from the first of this year.

I immediately began to attempt to call each member of the entire family.  The mother was unable to recognize me since she had lost almost all her hearing.  I was able to reach two of the daughters and the son.  How special those conversations were!

It was certainly sad to learn of my mentor's death.  But the sadness was not because of his death.  He, like Paul, had "run his race" and was at "home with the Lord."  The sadness was only in our missing him.  Even in missing him now, our sadness will turn to joy when we see him again.  And, our conversation then will be as though we had just seen him.

In the process of talking to his children, I also learned that the mother is having a birthday next week.  She'll be 90!!  I'm hoping she has a happy birthday although I'm sure she misses her husband of 68 years!  Some day soon, she will be able to "drop by" to see him and stay.  What a reunion that will be!

REAL FRIENDS ARE FOREVER.  To tell the truth, I'm looking forward to our "catching up" as only real friends can.

Enjoy your friends while you can.
Make certain you can enjoy them forever.

Share this with all your friends.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


For several days I have been praying that God would help me with my writing skills.  I so desperately want to be used to help others with this blog.  It dawned on me, in the middle of last night's sleep, that this endeavor was not to be about capable or excellent writing.

Simply put, the whole idea is that I am just one Christian who is sharing the lessons and the blessings which God gives me.  As I read His Word and strive to live the life He teaches me, my responsibility is to share them in every way and at every opportunity.  Once I have shared, then I must step back and let the Holy Spirit use it as only He can.

In my devotional reading yesterday from the Book of the Acts, chapters two and three, I was again impressed with the phenomenal growth of the early church.  However, last night I was reminded of how this came about.
Read Acts 2:42-47.

  1. "They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and prayer."
  2. "All the believers were together and had everything in common......They gave to anyone as he had need."
  3. "They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God..."
  4. "And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved."
The first three above discusses their devotion to the teaching of the Word, their praying, their sharing with others and having fellowship with them, and praising God.

The last of these verses shows the results ..."the Lord added."

When we do our parts and trust God with the results, He is always faithful to do His part, that is, what He wills.

This may (or may not) mean phenomenal growth in numbers.  It may (or may not) mean that the results are what we expected.  But, it will always mean that God is glorified and the church (the fellowship of believers) will be edified.

Lord, keep me devoted to the teaching of Your Word, to praying, to sharing with others, to praising You for Who You are and trusting You to provide for all the results You decide we need.

Join me in sharing what God has done (or is doing) for you.  You can help by sharing this blog with your friends and contacts.

Your comments will be appreciated.  Share them in the space below.  

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


During the course of the past year there have been an unbelievable number and degree of changes in my life and my family's life style.  Those changes have made continuing this blog difficult, to say the least.  Probably the most difficult is dealing with all the excuses that pop up every where.

  • EXCUSES are not reasons.  Excuses are simply our means of justifying our actions.  Read Luke 14:16-24, the parable of the great supper.  The invitees began to "make excuses."  They had no reason not to attend so they made up excuses.  Most of us are adept at making excuses.  They "pop up every where."       Lord, forgive me for becoming so able and willing to make excuses--and even for having actions that need excusing.
  • REASONS are realistic, rational grounds of explanation and defense.  Read Romans 12:1.  Paul pleads with the Romans to become "living sacrifices" to God based on His mercies to us.  He explains that doing so is our "reasonable service."  Lord, help me to base my actions on "reasonable service" to You for Your mercies.  I owe all that I have, I am, or I could be, to You, since it all came from You to begin with.                                                                                                          
  • It is my solemn obligation to God to share His love in any way and by any means, including this blog, with all who will receive it.
  • I sincerely ask that you read these thoughts and share them with your friends, contacts and followers.
  • Your comments below are appreciated.
  • Your prayers are earnestly coveted.