Saturday, April 30, 2011


The last few weeks, even more so the last few days, and non-stop this weekend---nothing has captured the multitudes more than the wedding of Britain's Prince William and Catherine.

Wars, revolts, devastating floods and destructive tornadoes have been rampant lately.  But, when one turned on the national news, the wedding came first.

As is typical, probably for most men, the royal wedding, the dresses, the hats, the pomp...none of it means much to me.  Literally, I could not care less about the whole "she-bang."

Don't think for a second that I am not excited for the two of them.  They appear to be much in love.  I join the millions around the world in hoping for their happiness.  I pray that they will use their positions of influence to bring about good to a world in need...the poor, the hungry, the sick, the lonely and, yes, the lost.

Births, weddings, anniversaries...all can be occasions that make memories for a lifetime.  Being a part of the event or occasion adds even more to the memories.  Did you get your invitation to the "wedding of the century?" Neither did I.  But, I'm not disheartened.  You see...

I have been invited to The Royal Wedding.  In fact, I'm a part of the Wedding Party.  Revelation, chapter 19, tell of the Wedding of the Lamb.  In verse 9, John was told to write, "Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb." (NIV)

Jesus told a parable, in Luke 14, of a "certain man" who "made a great supper and bade many."  Many of those who were invited began giving excuses at the time for the supper.  The "master of the house" sent for the "poor, and the maimed, and the halt, and the blind."  He even included those in "the highways and hedges."  That's when He included me.  Not by by merits, but by His GRACE. (Ephesians 2:8).

Have you given your RSVP to your invitation to the Royal Wedding?

By taking Jesus Christ as your Savior, you become a "child of the King" through adoption into the family of God. (Galations 4:4-7).

See you at the festivities--the Wedding of the Ages.

Share your thoughts and/or questions below.  Thanks.

Monday, April 25, 2011


In self
And steeped in sin.

From God.
No peace within.

I knew
And shame I felt.

Was gone;
Alone I dwelt.

Was mine,
For a Godless way.

I earned;
My price to pay.

He knew
For all the world.

From God
To earth was hurl'd.

He lived
And Life He gave.

He shed
For me to save.

The grave,
And Risen Lord;

Of God,
By God's Own Word!

by James D. Foster
     April 25, 2011

This past week has been one filled with duties, responsibilities and blessings galore.  I hope that time with your family, friends and church activities have been a real joy.

As you have shared your time and food with others over the Easter holidays, I wish you would also share your thoughts with us.

Please add your comments below.  I will enjoy responding.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


During the last year or so, I have been trying to deal with a challenge that has proven to be much bigger than I anticipated.  It all started while in the process of preparing for a family reunion the weekend of July 4, 2010.  If you have looked at my profile, or "about me" in this blog, you must have become aware that I'm from a large family. 

Not only are we a large family but we have always been very close.  This closeness (and number of relatives) has produced an unbelievable amount of pictures.  Each of us, (including the aunts and uncles, cousins [1st, 2nd, etc.], grand parents and grand children), has kept his/her own photographs.  Every one of us seem to have scores of albums and boxes and boxes of pictures to remember, to entertain and to share on any occasion we are together.

Picture taking has changed drastically in recent years also--from "Brownies", to 35mm and now to digital cameras.  The digital has become a phenomenon itself--with adjustments for before and after snapping a shot.  Add this to the ability many have with a computer for scanning, storing and organizing pictures and it is far more than most of us ever imagined.

All of this allows me to say that, believe it or not, I have over 12,000 pictures stored in various folders and categories both on my hard drive and in the cloud (or is it "over the rainbow?").  Now I'm able to look at them; share them without sending a box of prints; and find a particular photo without searching all day long.

I have always been sentimental and as the years keep coming faster and faster, the sentimentality does, too.  So, typically, as I look at some of our family pictures, the lumps in my throat get bigger and the tears begin to seep out easier.  As I look at albums that include my deceased parents, or events that hold special memories, keeping my composure is difficult, to say the least.

Earlier today, as I was reviewing some of those photo files and the "sentimental ole me" started reacting, something special came to mind.  One of my all time favorite scripture passages is Hebrews, chapters 11,12 and 13.  It began to dawn on me that reading chapter 11, the "faith chapter," was very much like looking at a family album.  So, naturally, I had to read the passage again today (in two versions, I might add).  And, just as naturally, the "sentiment" took over as I "looked" at my "faith family."

I love my family and am realizing, more every day, just how special they are.  I want to know more about them, keep in touch with them and share with them.  Just in case you are part of my long list of "kin folks", please know that I think the world of you.

Just in case you aren't part of my earthly family, I would love to have you (if your aren't already) as a part of my spiritual, "faith family."  The lumps in my throat, the tears in my eyes and the unspeakable joy in my heart well up as I picture you and I as part of "the family of God."

As I review the family albums of my "faith family," both in Hebrews, chapter 11 and the "faith family of God," the words that begin the 12th chapter are even more meaningful.

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.  Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith..." (Hebrews 12:1-2a NIV).

Are you part of "the family of God?"
You can be!

Your comments below are helpful and appreciated.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Growing as a Christian is emphasized in the New Testament by almost every writer.  Paul taught this incessantly in such scriptures as II Timothy 2:15.  To the young preacher, he said, "Study to shew thyself approved unto God..." (KJV).  Peter closed his second epistle with the plea to all Christians, "But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ." (KJV).  Jesus is recorded by John in his gospel, chapter 5, verse 39, "Search the scriptures...they are they which testify of me." (KJV).  Acts 17:11 tells of the Bereans who received Christ under Paul.  "They received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so." (KJV).

Are you still growing as a Christian?

Do you long to know more of His Word?

Development in one's relationship with the Lord comes not only from reading and studying the Bible and by talking with Him.  It also comes through reading the works of Christian writers, studying and worshiping with other Christians (Hebrews 10:25) and by living daily in the wisdom He gives us (Ephesians 5:15-16 NIV).

I am sharing with you today some of the resources I use on my computer.  Most of us are, at least, computer literate--not necessarily geeks.  We can take advantage of search engines to find other available material.  Most of you probably know how to go to various sites or even bookmark (make a favorite) internet addresses for frequent visits.  Below are some of the internet addresses I go to frequently that you may find useful.

     Christian Classics Etheral Library
     books, commentaries, church history, etc.
     questions/answers, meditations, groups

     I especially recommend you Browse under authors and select E. M. Bounds.  You are able to read any of
     his books on prayer.  They are short but filled with growth material!

     books listed by authors
     complete commentaries by well known scholars, i.e., Matthew Henry, John Wesley, Martin Luther, John
     Calvin, etc.

     concordances, Bible dictionaries, etc.
     great resources for free or recommendations for purchase.

     His site and his occasional blogs are thoughtful, both deep and practical.  His books are exceptional,
     especially those on prayer or grace.  I have found many of them in my local library.
     Keeping your mind filled with good Christian writings will help you devotionally.

     A site for one of the most devout, interesting and practical men I have ever had the privilege of knowing.    
     His life, books, poetry, devotionals and studies--all will help you grow closer to God.

I sincerely pray that this One Christian's Sharing some of his resources will be of benefit to you in your growth.

What are some of your favorite Christian books or devotionals?

Who are some of your favorite Christian authors?

Your comments are always helpful.

Share your resources with the rest of us, if you will.
     (After all, we are in this together!)

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Several readers have commented in various ways to my last post.  I requested help in coming up with an organized prayer plan.  Since the needs are so great--families and friends, churches and communities, nation and world, societies and governments--we must have a plan that will cover all of these.  In addition, the organizational part of our plan must be detailed enough to keep our plan running smoothly.  Surely then, the more details and specifics we put into our plan, the more effective our prayer lives will be...

WRONG!!!  That idea seems to just bog most of us down.  Conversely, the most prevalent suggestions and most helpful means used by most of you who commented, were very simple and succinct.  For those who actually pray as a regular ministry, the plans involved Three (3) Simple Steps.


None of us will ever have an organized prayer plan without setting time for praying.

I don't mean by this a certain amount of time.  For a very few of us the amount of time is not a problem--but very few.  And, for those who may have plenty of time available, they are not likely--all of a sudden--to start spending lots of time praying.  For some, an hour per day may be realistic.  For others, it may be difficult to find five minutes straight in any given day.

Most of us will probably be fresher in early mornings before the day gets too busy.  Many are not naturally morning persons.  Shift workers will not always have the same times available.  Very few will be able to set the same amount of time at the same time of day routinely.

All of us, however, (barring illness or other occasional circumstances) can set aside some time during every day.  That is assuming, of course, we want to.  Legitimate excuses not to pray regularly can always be found.

Paul said in I Thessalonians 5:7 (KJV), "Pray without ceasing."  Find some time to pray daily.


None of us are likely to be very organized in our prayer plans unless we record for whom, for what and why we are praying.

James 5:16b (KJV) reads as follows, "The effectual fervent pray of a righteous man availeth much."  More often than not, the "fervent" and "righteous man" conditions are emphasized.  But, the word "effectual" means "having effectiveness."  Praying in a general manner about general needs will never be "effectual."

With a list we can
     1.  Remember the need (i.e., the person, the event, the circumstance, etc.)

We can't rely on our memories all the time.  Nor do we usually try.  We usually make a list when going to the grocery store.  We usually follow a recipe when preparing a meal or a special dessert.

     2.  Categorize the needs (i.e., for one's salvation, illness, wisdom, etc.)

Know what you're praying for specifically.  I recall no prayer recorded in the entire Bible that is a "Lord, Bless everybody" or "Lord, Heal everybody" kind of prayer.  Nor do I recall those kinds of prayers being answered.

Continuing with James 5:17-18, James recorded that "Elias prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not...And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain." (KJV)  He prayed specifically.  A list of needs with categories will help.

     3.  Record when we prayed, with results as God answers.  This suggests that a journal of some sort is a good way to keep our list.  This could be your computer or a notebook or a legal pad.  But, keep a record.


We may develop an organized prayer plan, but we will never be effective until we focus, with real compassion.

Our focus should be on our mission of prayer.  That mission is to present the needs we know about to the only One Who can meet those needs.  Jesus taught us about this focus.  Luke tells about it in Luke 9:51.  Jesus' mission was to make redemption available for all mankind.  In fulfilling that mission, He had to go to Jerusalem, where He would be crucified, resurrected and then ascend to heaven again.  Luke said, "..When the time was come that he should be received up, he steadfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem." (Luke 9:51b KJV).  He steadfastly set His face!  Look up the word steadfastly.  That's real focus.

Time and again, before Jesus performed miracles or other great deeds, the Scripture tells us "He had compassion."  (See  Matthew 9:36, Matthew 14:14, Matthew 15:32, Matthew 20:34, Mark 1:41, Mark 5:19, Mark 6:34, Mark 8:2, Luke 7:13.)  He accomplished His mission on earth by staying focused on it and never lost His compassion.  For us to have an effective, organized prayer plan, we must do the same.

Do you have such a plan?
Are you maintaining it on a daily basis?
If not, I challenge you to begin today.
I am convinced that the more you pray, the more you want to pray.
Let me hear from you with your results, with your answered prayers.
Share with others to encourage them.
And, by all means, please add me to your list.