Sunday, October 31, 2010

Communicators Follow First, Then Share

Simon Peter was one of the inner three of Jesus' twelve disciples.  He, very quickly, became one of the most prominent voices and figures in the New Testament.  Even today, he is probably the best known character in the Gospel writings and the Book of Acts.  Very few know the name of his brother.  But, outside of the calling of Simon Peter by Jesus, Peter's brother, Andrew, was the greatest initial influence on Peter's life and ministry.

The first chapter in the Gospel According to John tells of some of the greatest communications and effective examples of sharing in the Bible.  I recommend reading the entire chapter, which will normally take about five minutes.  Included in this chapter are the following characters, John, one of the Twelve and the writer of this Gospel; Jesus, the Word that became flesh and dwelt among us; John the Baptist, who witnessed of the Word; two disciples of John Baptist (one of which was Andrew); Simon Peter; Phillip (who became one of the Twelve); and, Nathanael (also to become one of the Twelve).  Each of these had their own special means of communications and, in the process, shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

On some future postings, I hope that we get to share how easy it is to identify with impetuous, impulsive, fickle Peter.  Sometimes it seems as though many of us have followed Peter more than Jesus.  We are often quick to speak, to judge and react, and, as a result, fail to live lives that exemplify our loving Saviour and Lord.  Please forgive us, Lord, for our daily failures.

Andrew, on the other hand, (in verses 40, 41 and 42), got it right the first time.  He heard the message of John Baptist and followed Jesus.  After being with Jesus, "the first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon and tell him" Who he had met.  Then Andrew brought Simon Peter, his brother, to Jesus.

Lord, help me follow you and share the Gospel with those with whom I come in contact,- my brother, my neighbor, my co-worker, even my spouse.  I will not judge who is or is not a Christian.  That's Your job.  Help me do mine.


  1. Good for you, Dad. I'm looking forward to
    following along with you. Love you!

  2. James,
    This is one of my favorite chapters... I love where Jesus is recognized and His disciples begin to follow him.
    Oh you are so right where we seem to be more like Peter... and even Andrew although he got it right here .. there were times he was doubtful and not sure where the teaching was going .. BUT they persisted and even Praised God as they were being crucified! I Pray that same prayer you just prayed "Lord, Help me follow You and share the Gospel with those I come in contact... and also Please Forgive me Lord, for my daily failures"!
    I am looking forward to following your posts and encounter God in the process! Thanks for letting me be a part of your relationship with Christ!

  3. Thank you, Amy, for your confidence. Any time one would like to find out what's going on with someone else, just ask the children.
