Wednesday, July 6, 2011


On Monday of this week, we, in the United States, celebrated Independence Day.  This was, and is, a time to recognize (among many features of liberty) a rule of law of, by and for the people.  I thank God for such a freedom from tyranny this brings to us.

Yet, one day later, on Tuesday of this same week, hundreds, thousands, maybe millions of our citizens have become a virtual "lynching mob."  How quickly we forget that we are governed by a system of justice that includes a due process for all.  Yes, for all--the guilty and the innocent.

No, this system is not perfect--primarily because we are not.  Sometimes the guilty go free.  Sometimes the innocent may be punished unjustly.  Occasionally, there are factors, such as politics, money and popularity, that may influence the outcome of this process.  But this fact does not warrant our falling back on mob rule.  As citizens of this great country, we need to recognize both our blessings and our fallibilities.

As Christians (if indeed we claim to be) we must carry our thinking, and our acting, even further.  This world is tainted by sin.  Even under the best systems of justice, or within the country of the greatest freedoms, this world is not our home.  We are truly citizens of another Kingdom.

And, as such, we can rest assured that God, Himself, will mete out perfect justice. The guilty will be punished.  The innocent will be recognized as being not guilty.  The death of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, has made redemption possible for all--yes, even those who take the lives of little children.  Nor does God forget or neglect the children themselves.

It is our responsibility to pray for them and to ask God's help for all involved--criminals and victims--whoever they may be.

Join with me in interceding and letting God do the judging.

I welcome your comments below.


  1. James .. you are so right... I think it was the shock that she didn't get anything that made people crazy... I hadn't been following the case... I was taken back that she might go free... but I agree.. God will be her judge! to me ..even if she admitted to it I wouldn't have been able to send her to death... I am glad I wasn't on the jury! Thanks for your kind gentle reminder who we are to be .. even when things don't make sense! Look at the ONE who was NOT GUILTY .. Totally Innocent ... but died for ME!

  2. Thank you for your thought. Jesus was the innocent one who was punished instead of the guilty party-me. We can't be grateful enough!
